Policaro BMW has created a list of while you wait Express services to create an efficient way of servicing your BMW. One of our friendly express service advisors will review your service needs and ensure a rapid and seamless service delivery.
Call our service department @ 416-981-9400 to inquire about our Express Service Commitment and book your appointment today.
At Policaro BMW we understand that you may not be able to visit us during regular business hours. That's why we offer you the flexibility of reserving and picking up a rental vehicle 24 hours a day.
*Some restrictions apply.
Call our service department @ 416-981-9400 to inquire about our 24/7 CONVENIENCE MOBILITY program and to reserve your rental today
*24/7 Mobility vehicles must be reserved with a service appointment, Registered account holder is to be the sole operator of rental vehicle unless otherwise arranged.
Request 24/7 Convenience Mobility Service
It pays to be a 120KM Plus driver at Policaro BMW. Any BMW over 120,000 kms under our care will receive a 10% discount off of both parts and labour at Policaro BMW. *Some restrictions apply
Call our service department @ 416-981-9400 to inquire about our High Mileage Club and book your service appointment today.
*10% does not apply to promotional and menu priced services. 10% does not apply to tire and wheel packages